Behind the scenes is Emily, who aims to exceed clients expectation and deliver the design of their dreams. She carefully listens and asks the right questions at the outset to guide clients to discover their story which she then translates into tangible, considered schemes that feel like they’ve naturally evolved over time.

Our surroundings can have a huge impact on the way that we feel & our wellbeing, so it follows that design choices can dramatically alter the way we experience them. Creating harmony & flow within our client’s homes, is at the very core of what we do.
— Emily Rennie


The happiness and well-being of clients is at the centre of Emily’s design process. She takes time to listen to their aspirations and lifestyle requirements so the schemes truly reflect the way they want to live & feel in a space.

Communication is fundamental to establishing trust with a client, through listening and total transparency. Emily keeps clients updated at every step, leaving clients informed and reassured.

Emily’s ethos of Responsible Purchasing is key - she believes in focusing on sustainability & craftsmanship to create a timeless & classic spaces that will stand the testament of time.


Emily studied at KLC's internationally renowned interior design school, her passion for design & interior architecture formalised in 2017 when she founded Emily Rennie Ltd.

Her love of art and design has been lifelong, she studied History of Art & Architecture at Manchester University before working at Bonhams & Christies auction houses. For 10 years she worked in real estate & property specialising as a relocation agent & property management. With this experience she’s able to advise on both the aesthetics and practical aspects of design choices beyond the completion of the work. And, her career in the property market, both sales & rentals, ensures interiors interiors are commercially and aesthetically pleasing.